
How to use keywords in your content

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Research shows that 95% of internet traffic falls on the first search engine results page (SERP). A correctly composed semantic core is an important factor for website promotion and access to the top 10 query results. Your main keyword as well as other key phrases (sometimes called "long tail keywords") are essential marketing tools.
SEOprofiler statistics shows click-through rate of a resource in search results depending on position
If you use keywords incorrectly, you lose the lion's share of organic traffic received from search engines. This inhibits promoting your business online, hampers sales, and increases the financial costs of other marketing channels. In this article, we'll show you how to use keywords to improve SEO.
What is the semantic core and its function in SEO?
"Semantic core" refers to a set of individual keywords and phrases that describe the contents of the site. They are used to look for information, goods and services in utilities such as Google. Properly selected keys increase targeted traffic and boost the position of a website in query results.

Keywords are not a main factor in a website's rank, but their use in links, meta tags, product cards and so on help to promote the site in the top results.
How many keywords are recommended?
In most cases, it depends on the length of the text. If you are composing a product card of two thousand characters, use no more than 3-4 keys. When keywords are overused, a search robot may consider your material as spam and apply sanctions such as the Google Panda filter. This threatens to exclude you from results and cause your site to lose rank.

In a long article of eight to ten thousand characters and above, you can use upwards of five keys in your text.

There are no exact recommendations on how many keywords and phrases are considered optimal. It's important to assess material on a case-by-case basis to avoid getting caught in a negative filter.

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Keyword usage suggestions for content writing
1. Use keys in meta tags
Meta tags are elements of HTML code that describe the material on the page. These include title, description, alt tags for images, and headers (described below). They also tell robots what the content is about.

Meta tags also impact how users respond. People decide whether to follow your link depending on how you use keywords for SEO. Make descriptions concise and useful.

Title: the title of the page. The main keyword or phrase should appear at the beginning of the sentence.
title example in Google search results
Title example
H1 header: appears at the top of the page, and not in the search results. It should also contain a keyword or phrase, but not duplicate the title, so make it unique.

Description: a tag containing additional information about the company, for example, a unique selling proposition and content information. Does not affect the rank results, but helps attract potential customers.
description example in Google search results
Description example
2. Insert the main keyword in the first 200 words of the text
Many SEO specialists believe that Google focuses on the first 200 words of material when compiling results for a specific request. This is because the author should reveal the essence of the article in the beginning, so readers see how useful this information will be for them.

It's best to place the primary keyword close to the beginning. Some experts recommend leading with it, especially if it is a commercial text. For example: "You can buy shoes in our store."
3. Use stop words (prepositions and connecting words)
Gone are the days when texts were written exclusively for search engines. Google now requires content to be useful and understandable to the user. Putting one keyword after another in your text exactly like a search query often looks like a typo and spoils the article.

To understand how to use SEO keywords, reference any news or entertainment online. For example, you have the query "buy plumbing New York." You need to add the preposition "in" to make the phrase readable and natural. You can use stop words to dilute key phrases to make them more organic.
4. Use a keyword in headers H2, H3 and so on
One of the important requirements for any text is structure. Use headings and subheadings to make it easier for the reader to understand the material.

Keywords in the headlines signal robots about the information on the website, but still it is worth focusing on body text and how well it will be perceived by a reader. Remember that you create content primarily for your audience.
5. Use keywords in anchor links
An anchor link redirects the user to another page of the site. This can show related products and services or find additional important information. A keyword in each anchor link makes the structure clear to readers and robots. It's important to use terms relevant to your material.
anchor link example
Anchor Link Example
These create internal site navigation, which is important for your users and search robots. You improve the behavioral indicators of the resource, which raises your place in query results.
6. Keywords in image descriptions
Images are also indexed by search engines like anchors, meta tags, and text. This is another important way to promote content. Here's an example of how to use keywords for photos, screenshots, and so on:

The keywords used to describe the images must match other material on the site.
alt tag example
Alt Tag example
7. Use a keyword in the URL
The URL of your page should not look like just a set of numbers and symbols. It should contain a keyword about the page. For example, it could be the name of your company.
example of a good URL
An example of a good URL
The address should be concise and contain no more than two keys.
example of how not to build a URL
How not to build a URL
8. Use these semantics for posts on social networks
Social networks do not have a direct impact on site rank in a SERP. However, research shows that there is still a correlation with how to use keywords for search engine optimization and social media marketing. As a rule, a site with a higher rank has more active social media accounts, making your social media profile an important tool for marketing your site.

Google indexes content from Twitter. Using keywords in your posts can direct customers to your site, providing a good position in the results page and boosting sales.

Use a keyword as a hashtag in publications. These can describe the most important activities of your company, for example, #digital, #SERM and so on.
example of keyword hashtags on social networks
An example of keyword hashtags on social networks
Be sure to include keywords in meta tags, headings, and URLs. This will have a positive impact on the ranking results. It's also important to fill in the alt tag for images to draw more readers to your site.

Keywords and phrases should be evenly spaced throughout the text. Do not use direct search queries or stuff a keyword in where it does not not look organic. Instead, include prepositions and other stop words so the text reads naturally.

Keywords help search engines understand the information on the site and generate results. You can read more about keyword use and how to compose a semantic core in our other article.
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